Welcome to ILLS 2027
“The Americas Meeting”!
“Expanding Worldwide Benefits of Minimally Invasive Liver Resections”
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are honored and excited to invite you to the 6Th World Congress of the International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS) in Buenos Aires Argentina from the 15th to the 17th of September 2027. ILLS main purpose is to support the development, implementation and safe dissemintation of Minimally Invasive Liver Resection across the globe.
The Americas Meeting is the result of the collaboration of leaders from multiple countries from Northern, Central and South Americas, recognizing the need to further expand the benefits of MIS liver resection for patients worldwide.
The Program and Organizing Committees are committed to championing a superb meeting focused on: innovation, implementation and education in the areas of robotics, liver transplantation, oncology and augmented reality, as well as imaging and ablation techniques. The meeting will highlight the successful collaboration of leading societies, such as AHPBA, IHPBA E-AHPBA, A-PHPBA, STS.. These Collaborations have proven to heighten the advancement in MIS approaches to liver disease.
The meeting in Buenos Aires will further serve as an extraordinary opportunity to display the camaraderie among all attendees through its social program and local attractions.
Please mark your calendar for the 6th ILLS World Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Prof. Dr. Juan Pekolj
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chair 6th ILLS Word Congress

Prof. Dr. Horacio Asbun
Miami, USA
Vice chair 6th ILLS Word Congress

Prof. Adnan Alseidi
San Francisco, USA
Scientific Program Chair 6th ILLS World Congress
Hosting the 6th ILLS 2027 World Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, presents a significant opportunity for the continent. We've aptly named it “The Americas Meeting” as the organizing committee comprises surgeons from various countries across the continent.
Our aim is to provide a forum for hepatobiliary surgeons worldwide to convene, exchange knowledge, and stay abreast of the latest advancements in minimally invasive liver surgery (both laparoscopic and robotic).
Additionally, we aim to explore its applications in areas such as oncology and liver transplantation, alongside complementary techniques like tumor ablation and other innovations in liver tumor treatment. Discussions will encompass the latest innovations and critical aspects of teaching, learning, and training in these techniques.
Organizing Committee
Chairs and Working Groups

Dr. Juan PekoljHospital Italiano de Buenos Aires,

Dr. Juan Pekolj

Vice Chair
Dr. Horacio Asbun Miami, USA
Dr. Horacio Asbun

Dr. Pablo Barros Schelotto Fundación Favaloro Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Pablo Barros Schelotto

Dr. Juan Salceda Hospital Santamarina Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Dr. Juan Salceda
Local Committee

- Dr. Fernanda Bersano
Hospital Privado de comunidad Mar del Plata
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hospital Privado de comunidad Mar del Plata
Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Dr. Fernando Alvarez
Hospital Reina Fabiola
Córdoba, Argentina
Hospital Reina Fabiola
Córdoba, Argentina
Dr. Marcelo Linzey
Dr. Rodrigo Maroni
Dr. Martín Palavecino
Dr. Carlos Salas
Dr. David Biagiola
Dr. Daniel Mahuad
Dr. Jose Paladini
Dr. Leandro Pierini
Dr. Gustavo Schmidt
Dr. Cristian Bertona
Dr. Jorge Bufaliza
Dr. Jeremías Goransky
Dr. Jorge Nefa
Dr. Osvaldo Campi
Dr. Nicolas Resio
Dr. Rodrigo Figueroa
Dr. Enzo Giordano
Dr. Magalí Chadhi
Dr. Emilio Quiñonez
Dr. Enrique Canepa
Dr. Mariano Moro
Dr. Diego Fernandez
Dr. Samuel Ruiz
Dr. Oscar Andriani
Dr. Agustin Cristiano
Dr. Martin de Santibañez
Dr. Lucas Mc Cormack
Dr. Guillermo Pfaffen
Dr. Ignacio Perez Fernandez
Dr. Rodrigo Sanchez Clariá
Dr. Gabriel Raffin
Dr. Diego Ramisch
Scientific Committee

- Dr. Adnan Alseidi
California, USA
California, USA

- Dr. Marcelo Lenz
Hospital El Cruce
Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hospital El Cruce
Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Benjamin Samstein
New York, USADr. Nicolás Jarufe
Univerisdad Católica, Santiago, Chile
Dr. Dionisios Vrochides
Charlotte, NC, USAT.B.D.
Dr. Michelle Babicky
Portland, USADr. Paulo Herman
San Paulo, BrazilDr. Sean Cleary
Dr. Ismael Dominguez
MéxicoDr. Chaya Scwhartz
Dr. Yee Lee Chean
Houston, USADr.Marcel Machado
Sao Paulo, BrazilDr. Hop S Tran Cao
Houston. USA
Dr. Mihir Shah
Atlanta, USADr. Cecilia Yeren
Lima, Peru
- How to expand LLR worldwide?
- Give me 3 pieces of advice for a safe major LLR
- Laparoscopic Liver Transplantation. Lessons learned. Where are we today?
- Evidence based LLR
- Scary movies: intraoperative complications in LLR
- Living room: asking to the experts
- Robots in LR: Da Vinci, Hugo, Ottava and what else?
- What happens with our knowledge and expectations of 10 years ago about LLR?
- Best practices in cholangiocarcinoma
- IR and GI advances in taking care of the liver patient
About Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is a vibrant cosmopolitan city that has emerged as one of the most important in Latin America. It's a captivating tourist destination renowned for its rich blend of European elegance and Latin American vitality. Known for its passionate tango shows, colorful street art, and striking architecture, the city offers a myriad of experiences for all the senses. Visitors can indulge in delicious steaks at traditional parrillas, explore markets and boutiques, and immerse themselves in the thriving artistic and cultural scene of the city. Get ready to experience a dynamic blend of history, culture, and gastronomy in a cosmopolitan setting!
Must-see Attractions in Argentina
Argentina is a country with a wide variety of tourist attractions, climates, natural wonders, culture, customs, and internationally renowned cuisine.

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